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nova - State Assignment Program for PLA-based Finite-State Machines


nova [options] [file]


nova is a program that performs an optimal assignment of binary codes to the states of a Finite State Machine (FSM). The primary goal is to optimize the silicon area occupied by the finite state machine after two-level optimization using espresso(1OCTTOOLS). The program minimizes the number of product terms needed to implement the encoded finite state machine, for a given code length. Different encoding algorithms are available in nova. They are based on a FSM symbolic minimization step that produces encoding constraints and an encoding step that produces codes satisfying some or all of the encoding constraints, for a fixed or free code-length. The user specifies which algorithm should be invoked with the option -e and related arguments, according to the format explained below. By default the algorithm -e ig is invoked. The user may specify a code length with the options -i for symbolic inputs and -s for states, otherwise by default the minimum code-length is assumed. nova reads the file provided (or standard input if no files are specified), performs the state assignment, and returns by default a big blif format to standard output. When invoked as a stand-alone program, nova outputs also the best coded minimized two-level implementation of the FSM, if the option -t is specified.


The following keywords embedded in the input are understood by nova. The keyword lines start with ".". Keywords not understood by the program are ignored.
.symbolic input
Inputs are considered as symbolic strings and an optimal assignment of binary vectors to each symbolic input is also performed.


A complete list of the command line options is given below. Be warned that some of the command line options are not intended for general use. [d] denotes a decimal number and [s] denotes a text string.
-e ig [-pr]
The encoding is driven only by input constraints. Input constraints are computed by heuristic multiple-valued minimization and satisfied by an heuristic greedy algorithm. Very fast, suboptimal. If -p is specified, some input constraints unlikely to be satisfied by a short code are pruned. If -r is specified, all the rotations of the codes are tried.
-e ih [-r]
The encoding is driven only by input constraints. Input constraints are computed by heuristic multiple-valued minimization and satisfied by an heuristic algorithm based on limited backtracking. It produces on average very good results. It has the best trade-off between quality of results versus computing time. If -r is specified, all the rotations of the codes are tried.
-e ioh [-jry]
The encoding is driven by input and output (dominance) constraints. Input and output constraints are computed by a version of symbolic minimization and satisfied by an heuristic algorithm based on limited backtracking. More computationally expensive than the previous one. It gives often better results. If -j is specified, all output constraints are kept, while by default the algorithm prunes those which don't guarantee a gain. If -y is specified, only output constraints are satisfied. If -r is specified, all the rotations of the codes are tried.
-e iov [-jry]
Variation of the previous encoding strategy. In practice it works less effectively.
-e ie [-br]
The encoding is driven only by input constraints. Input constraints are computed by heuristic multiple-valued minimization and satisfied by an exact algorithm based on backtracking. The minimum code length that allows the satisfaction of all input constraints is found (the user cannot specify a code length). It may be computationally unfeasible. -b is a debug option. If -r is specified, all the rotations of the codes are tried.
-e ia [-c=[d]] [-m=[d]] [-br]
The encoding is driven only by input constraints. Input constraints are computed by heuristic multiple-valued minimization and satisfied by an algorithm based on simulated annealing. -c specifies the cost function. It may assume values 0 or 1. If the cost function is 0, the number of product terms is minimized. If the cost function is 1, the number of literals after espresso is minimized. By default the cost function has value 0. -m specifies the number of moves of simulated annealing at a given temperature. It must be a positive integer. By default it has value 10. -b is a debug option. If -r is specified, all the rotations of the codes are tried.
-e h
Specifies 1-hot state assignment. In this case, the default two-level minimization on the encoded finite state machine is not performed, and the external don't care set is not computed. As an example, the 1-hot codes when there are four states are 1---, -1--, --1- and ---1.
-e r [-n=[d]]
Random encodings are tried. The user can specify how many trials by the option -n, otherwise the following default values hold: #states if the proper inputs are not symbolic, #states + #inputs if the proper inputs are symbolic. The best result is kept.
-e u
The user supplies in the input file the codes for the states (and inputs, if symbolic), as suggested in the example #2 of the input file format section. nova substitutes the codes in the fsm and minimizes it.
-e lb
Computes a lower bound on the number of product terms needed to implement the finite state machine. The lower bound is tight, i.e. there are examples where it can be matched by the encoding found by nova, but on the average there is a large gap between the lower and upper bounds. It can be computationally very expensive. Use only when nova is invoked as a stand-alone program.
Outputs a summary of the command-line options.
-i =[d]
Specifies the code length of the symbolic inputs. The default value of nova is the shortest code that allows an injective coding.
-s =[d]
Specifies the code length of the states. The default value of nova is the shortest code that allows an injective coding.
-z =[s]
Specifies the state whose code has to be set to zero. By default the program chooses which state to assign the zero code.
Will produce a debug trace. Active only with -e ie and -e ia. Use only when nova is invoked as a stand-alone program.
Outputs the coded minimized two-level implementation of the FSM. Use only when nova is invoked as a stand-alone program.
Will produce a trace showing the execution of the program. Use only when nova is invoked as a stand-alone program.
Analyzes the two-level realization after encoding. Not yet available.
Obtains generalized input constraints, i.e. input constraints with don't-care entries. Not yet available.


The FSM is described by a symbolic cover. A symbolic cover is a set of symbolic implicants consisting of four fields corresponding to the FSM inputs, present-states, next-states and outputs respectively. The fields are separated by either blanks or tabs, and all four fields must fit on a single line. To allow comments within the input file, any characters after a pound sign ('#') are ignored.

The FSM states are represented by strings of characters (at most 30 characters). Either the present-state or the next-state may be given as ANY to indicate that the state is a don't care. (This is useful, for example, in describing the reset logic for the FSM.)

The inputs to the FSM are represented by a string of characters of 0, 1, and - (where - indicates the symbolic implicant does not depend on the corresponding input). The inputs may also be treated as symbolic inputs (analogous to the way that the present-state is a symbolic input), and nova will determine an optimal assignment for the inputs as well (see below).

The outputs from the FSM are also given as a string of characters from the set 0, 1, and -. A 0 or a 1 indicates that the output must be either low or high (respectively) for this transition. A - indicates that, for this transition, the output may be either low or high.

The meaning of the first symbolic implicant in the first example below above is "when input input_1 is asserted , proceed from state state_1 to state state_3 with the first, second, third and fifth outputs low, and the fourth output high". Note that the symbolic implicants are in one-to-one correspondence with the edges in a state-diagram representation of the FSM.


This example shows the description of a finite state machine. .symbolic input
input_1 state_1 state_3 00010
input_1 state_2 state_1 01001
input_1 state_3 state_3 10010
input_1 state_4 state_3 00010
input_1 state_5 state_1 01001
input_1 state_6 state_1 01001

input_2 state_2 state_2 01001
input_2 state_5 state_2 01001
input_2 state_6 state_2 01001
input_2 state_1 state_4 00010
input_2 state_3 state_4 10010
input_2 state_4 state_4 00010
input_6 state_2 state_1 00101
input_6 state_5 state_1 00101
input_6 state_1 state_5 00010
input_6 state_3 state_5 10010
input_6 state_4 state_5 00010
input_6 state_6 state_5 10100


This example shows how the user specifies its own codes in the additional file, when the option -e u is active. When the code-lengths are not the default ones (shortest ones), the options -i and -s should be specified in the command line, as it happens when nova finds an encoding. The token words icode and scode introduce, respectively, a code and the symbolic input to which it is assigned or a code and the state to which it is assigned. icode 0000 input_5
icode 0001 input_6
icode 0100 input_1
icode 0101 input_2
icode 0110 input_3
icode 0111 input_4
scode 1000 state_6
scode 1001 state_7
scode 1111 state_1
scode 0010 state_2
scode 1101 state_3
scode 1011 state_4
scode 0000 state_5


By default a big blif format is written to standard output. When the option -t is specified, also the coded minimized two-level implementation of the FSM is written to standard output (to use only when nova is invoked as a stand-alone program). The option -v will produce a trace showing the execution of the program.


A message like follows (rarely issued and only when the option -e ig is active) warns only that the detection of the lattice intersections has been stopped after a quite large number of them has been computed . No action needs to be taken . Message fac-simile : WARNING "After that lattice added the 1001-th new constraint , Nova stopped executing lattice and went ahead with the constraints that lattice already got" .

When running in the -e ie mode, nova might issue a message warning that in the worst-case too many configurations should be examined before finding an exact solution and then it exits. Although it would have been possible to let the program run for as long as needed, it exits because an exact solution appears computationally unfeasible.


espresso(1OCTTOOLS), kiss(1OCTTOOLS), misII(1OCTTOOLS)

T.Villa, A.Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "NOVA: state assignment of finite-state machines for optimal two-level logic implementations", IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design , September 1990


Tiziano Villa


In a given state, if symbolic implicants are not specified for all possible input conditions, then the state machine response for the unspecified conditions is undefined. In particular, nova will use this to its advantage when assigning the state codes. It is possible to see all of the don't cares created in this way by using the -out fd option when the PLA is minimized with espresso.

Temporary files with unique names are created in the current working directory during the run of the program. They are removed at the end. At the end of a run, nova creates two files: file.esp stores the best coded minimized pla implementation, file.summ stores the face and output constraints (if any) and the final codes. file.esp is in pla(5OCTTOOLS) format, suitable for input to espresso or misII(1OCTTOOLS). Terminal names, when provided by the user, are retained.

Only a single symbolic input (besides the present state) is allowed. The ability to specify any number of symbolic inputs along with binary inputs would be much more practical.

nova invokes the multiple-valued minimization program espresso.

nova is written in C. There are no limitations on the number of binary or symbolic inputs, binary outputs, states, or symbolic implicants.

(implementation) nova comes from Latin and means a new (implementation). No connection to astronomical objects is implied.


It is possible to specify logically inconsistent finite state machines (i.e., to specify two transitions for the same set of inputs in a single state) and this should be, but is not, detected as an error.

Keywords not understood by the program are ignored.

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